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Casper vs Polkadot

Within this article, we shall do a mini deep dive into the Polkadot 1 blockchain, specifically the sharded architecture and parachains, and conclude with comparisons to the Casper layer 1 blockchain. We shall argue that with the increased capabilities of bridging between blockchains, the focus should be on developing secure layer 1 chains (potentially with varying characteristics) and then applying…

How To Choose A Validator

In this educational piece I want to highlight the true risks and considerations you need to make when choosing a validator to stake your valuable CSPR tokens. There are a lot of misconceptions that you have to pay a higher fee to ensure the safety of your tokens or have to delegate to a larger node, is is all incorrect….

Casper vs Avalanche

Within this article, we shall do a mini deep dive into the Avalanche layer 1 blockchain, specifically the Avalanche snowball consensus protocol and conclude with comparisons to the Casper layer 1 blockchain and CBC consensus protocol and finally argue why we believe CSPR is the stronger of the two tokens. As we have extensively covered CSPR in our previous articles,…